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Mango Mauler 80oz Bag.


Mango Mauler is a house/roof wash surfactant designed for moderate to high foaming superior cling ability. Rinses easily, leaving a clean surface behind. Mango Mauler is chlorine stable. (SH Stable)


Recommended Directions



  • Add 1 Cup of 8oz per 5 gallons of water in chem tank. Double dose for roof wash
  • House Wash: 1-3 on the dial, depending on stain level and foam preferecnce.
  • Roof Wash: 3-4 on the dial, depending on stain level and foam preference.


Batch Mixing:

  • Add 2 cups or 16oz per 130 gallons of mix. Double dosing for roof washing.
  • Add additional Mango Mauler depending on desired foam preference.
  • Use batch within 10days.

Mango Mauler 80oz Bag

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